You’ve no doubt been to many functions at the venues established by Glynis Hyslop, MD of The Forum. You’ve also likely visited the Turbine Art Fair, which was her baby too. Now Hyslop is launching the fancy new Forum venue at Hyde Park Corner shopping centre. We’re sure it’s set to become the hot location for the City of Gold’s gigs and gatherings. Here she weighs in on her after-work world – Springsteen and salmon fishcakes included.
What’s the best book you’ve read in the past year?
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. It reminds me to focus on what’s important now.
How do you keep fit?
Pilates and walking the dog.
Weekday, lowkey restaurant go-to? What do you order?
Glenda’s in Hyde Park for the salmon fishcake. Always delicious.
What is the one artwork you’ll always love, and why? You needn’t own it!
I have a collection of over 300 artworks but the work I love most is one I inherited from my parents. It’s an oil, and simple – I have loved it from the moment I first saw it as a child.
What do you regret most?
Not taking my wonderful first husband to something he wanted to attend when he was dying.
The one unusual item you can’t live without?
A warm blanket.
Who was your high school celeb crush?
Bruce Springsteen … sadly he looks like an old trucker now.
Three songs that you’d take to a desert island?
Heaven Can Wait by Meat Loaf, because I might need time to work out how to get off the island; The Sound of Silence by Disturbed (his powerful voice would fill the silence of the island); Shut up and Dance by Walk the Moon, since I would need to dance to fill up the time.
Top image: Glynis Hyslop, MD of The Forum. Image supplied and collage by Currency.
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